Reclaiming Your Life

Think back to the last big decision you made.

What were you contemplating before you made your choice?

You'll never find happiness until you stop living for others.

Often times you find yourself living a life that was not quite what you wanted or expected.

This can happen because of pressure from others or just because things didn’t quite work out how you planned.

Whether it’s within your career, your relationships, or another aspect of your life and you feel

challenged with your current reality, it’s never too late to reclaim your life.

Taking control of your life begins with your mindset. You cannot change anything unless you’re

willing to confront it. When you challenge yourself to do something you think is impossible, you

push yourself to move past your perceived limitations.

Living your best life is all about interconnection of the mind, body and soul and how each has the

power to affect the other. When these three are in alignment, you are able to explore new pathways

to inner peace and experience living a more fulfilling life.

It’s understanding that mind, body, and soul are all interconnected – that we are one with the

omnipresence of God. Knowing we all have the ability to change anything and learn how to get to a

place where we can vibrate at higher levels of spiritual awareness to make a difference in the world.

It is through this truth of oneself that you embrace the person you look at in the mirror. It’s how you

see yourself and not worrying about how others see you. It is in this place all things become

accessible: purpose, happiness, strength, power, prosperity and wisdom.

Your true identity goes way beyond: birth, growing up, aging, education, career, relationships and

accumulating knowledge or wealth.

It’s a place where you know who you are and what you want to create.

A place where you will not entertain negativity.

A place where you can focus on effectiveness, improvement, and development of self.

A place of purpose and personal fulfillment.

A place of being comfortable in your own skin.

A place where you learn to master your thoughts to create your present reality.

A place of expansion.

A place of higher consciousness.   

A place that allows you to attract specific people, places and things to change your life.   

A place of unlimited access.

A place that liberates you and reveals your true identity

You may not realize this but who you are and what you become is largely a reflection of your

routines and behaviors. It’s really amazing when you start to think about all the thoughts and

practices you have formed during the course of your life and how it has impacted the decisions you

have made in your life.

The simplest change can have the biggest impact on your life.  

Here are 5 Simple Ways to Reclaim Your Life

·   Invest time in building yourself – Take a step back and evaluate where you are and where you

would like to be and set goals

·   Practice affirmations - Recite positive words of what you want to create and repeat them daily

·   Make a decision – Change only happens when something moves. Decide what you want and

take action

 ·  Prioritize your life – Focus on what is important and think about the big picture

·   Find a mentor or coach - Get a support system that can help keep you stay on track

About the Georgia Woodbine 

She is one of the world’s top female speakers and leading expert in personal and professional development and has helped to motivate and inspire an entire generation.  She is widely known as a change agent, author, lifestyle transformation coach and dynamic and entertaining speaker. She has been featured in media outlets such as; The Daily News, Huffington Post, Rolling Out Magazine, Sirius Radio XM. She created curriculum and lectured at The Learning Annex, one of the premier producers of seminars, lectures, classes, and workshops throughout North America.  She has authored several books including: Total B.S. (Body and Soul), How to Attract the Right Man into Your Life, How to Make Big Bucks without Selling Your Soul, How to Choose Your Career Path, Jewels of Inspiration and Reflections, Minute of Motivation and produced cutting-edge online courses, 5 Secrets to Create the Life You Love, How to Turn Your Passion into Profits and How to Write a Book in 30 Days or Less. She has been a life coach for over thirteen years and has trained and coached thousands of people.  In love with life, she enjoys being an empowerment advocate for others to find their true purpose. She captures her audiences with her message of hope, inspiration and the power of intention. Her passion continues to touch countless souls in their pursuit of happiness. Walk with Georgia on the journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle at